Statement of the overall purpose of the project
Specific statements of what the project sets out to accomplish
Specific tasks to complete through implementation of the project
Immediate results (direct products of project activities)
Intermediate results (1 to 3 years after project starts)
Long-term results (3 to 10 years after project starts)
Musical Futures is a movement to reshape music education driven by teachers for teachers. At its heart is a set of pedagogies that bring non-formal teaching and informal learning approaches into more formal contexts, in an attempt to provide engaging, sustainable and relevant music making activities for all young people.
*Information taken from
It aims to:
Engage all young people in meaningful, sustainable music activities
Make music learning relevant to all young people, connecting their in-school and out-of-school interests and experiences
Enable young people to experience practical music making, to understand the processes of music making, and to contribute to their overall social, educational and personal development
*Information taken from
Musical Futures is a series of approaches and models that offer much scope for development, adaptation and personalization in order to meet the needs of individual students. It is unlikely to work in the way it was intended if it is just used as a scheme of work, a quick fix for those difficult music lessons, or as a last resort. Even though in reality all teachers approach Musical Futures slightly differently, at its’ core it asks teachers to:
A variety of non-formal and informal teaching and learning approaches grounded in secure pedagogy
Practical work on instruments/voice, creating authentic musical experiences
Aural learning, that fully integrates listening with practical music making, improvising and composing
Students are motivated and engaged by music they value and that is relevant to them, before moving onto other musical and learning styles
Technique, notation and other forms of written instruction are part of the process but are developed through practical playing
Teachers and practitioners act as facilitators, through showing rather than telling, and through guiding and modelling rather than instructing
Develops skills and confidence in teachers enabling them to deliver high quality MF approaches
Recent independent research indicates that Musical Futures:
Increases student motivation for, and enjoyment of, school music
Engages all students in music participation
Helps students to become more confident with music making and raises self-esteem
Engages previously disinterested pupils
Enables students to develop a wide range of musical and leadership skills
Develops independent learning skills
Improves behaviour, focus and attendance, and has a positive impact on students’ attitudes towards music in school
Improves take-up of students opting to continue with a formal qualification in music
Improves student attainment
Has long-term and sustainable impact on teachers’ practice, and often changes the way they deliver music learning in the classroom
*Information taken from
- Increased student enrollment in music instruction
- Music experience addresses student interest and needs
- Increased confidence in non-musically trained teachers to implement music curriculum
- Delivery model of program supports the financial need for more cost effective program delivery
- Music education enhances school climate and school community culture in a positive manner
- Program is sustainable in schools over time; factoring changing teaching staff and school demographics.
- Program has some measurable strengths/advantages in comparison to a traditional music program model (band, choral, musical theatre)
- There is evidence that program has make an impact on student engagement and success.
Goals and Objectives represent the Strategic Directions of your Project
Activities comprise the Project Work Plan, which should include details for each activity (Who?, What?, When?, Where? How?)
Outputs link directly to project activities; activities are what is done…outputs are the expected results of what is done
Outcomes relate to your objectives; objectives are desired, outcomes are the expected results
Impacts relate to goals; a goal is desired, impacts are the expected end-results